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Extemporaneous |ek-ˌstem-pə-ˈrā-nē-əs| adjective: Composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment.

Lately, it seems like a reoccurring theme on my blog is the motivation or need to “be inspired.” Sometimes I look for inspiration, and other times it comes to me. Today, inspiration nearly landed in my lap – on its way to slapping me in the face.

This morning I was scheduled to shoot a fried catfish for a grocer’s advertisement. Amy Peterson (another amazing food stylist) was prepping the fish, and as I walked into the kitchen I was presented with an unforeseen opportunity. As if on cue, Amy and I both saw beauty in its raw form as she placed the fish into the cornmeal and flour. An extemporaneous shot was in order, and this is what we created.

Thanks Amy!!!!

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2 Responses to Extemporaneous

  1. Leah says:

    Extemporaneous…love that word, but love this photo even more! Nice work and way to let the moment guide you. Sign of a great photographer!! So proud of you.

  2. sola wong says:

    I can see where Richard’s inspiration comes from.

    This shot reminds me of when Richard would catch fish from the lake for me to cook. Good & wholesome food starts from fresh & natural ingredients. Lets celebrate good living with good food!

    Today it is Thanksgiving Day 2012, I am at Richard and Leah’s home, wonderful food no doubt.

    It just so happens that I am also Richard’s mom Sola……. I am grateful for food & family.