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Our sweet boy Westley Douglas Wong turned 1 today! We can’t believe it’s already been a year. Thank you for enriching our lives, teaching us so much, and loving us unconditionally. We love you so much:)
Yes, we sure do love you SO much! I am so proud of you Westley! I am honored to be your mom and SO blessed by you each day. Keep up the incredible learning, discovery, and excitement for life. You’re the best, my sweet boy!!!
Westley, it’s hard to believe its already been one year. I loved seeing pictures of your first birthday. Wish we were there to celebrate with you. We love you so much. Love, Auntie Valerie, Uncle Mike, Easton and Kaitlin
Oh my goodness, he is so unbelievably precious!!! Love, love, LOVE these pics!!
What a cutie… and look at those teeth! He is darling and inquisitive too. Did he love the cake?? Hugs
Oh my goodness!!!! Wes, you are one handsome boy!! Those are amazing photos…it’s like your Dad is a photographer or something
Rich, you captured all of the emotions of his first birthday. Thank you so much for sharing! Hope we can see the birthday boy soon! Xoxo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WES!!! You look so happy & God has blessed you with a year on this earth with the MOST amazing parents!!
Love ya guys!!
Wow, this was only a few months ago, and he has grown SO MUCH! These pictures are so precious Rich!